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Download the Chorological Maps for the main European Woody Species.


fd_forest_chorological(species, range = "nat", quiet = TRUE)



a character vector with the Latin name of a tree species contained in the Chorological Maps database (see details)


the default "nat" downloads the probable native range of the species, while "syn" downloads the synanthropic range (i.e. the introduced and naturalized area and isolated population since Neolithic)


if TRUE (the default), suppress status messages, and the progress bar


sf object


Data may be freely used for research, study, or teaching, but be cited appropriately (see references below).

The chorological maps provide a general overview of the distribution of the main European woody species. The geodatabase was formed by the combination of numerous and heterogeneous data for a continental-scale overview of the species' distribution range. There are a total of 4 versions available, and the function will get the most recent version for each of the species. This means for instance that some species may be on version 2, and therefore, the data from that version will be retrieved.


Caudullo, G., Welk, E., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., 2017. Chorological maps for the main European woody species. Data in Brief 12, 666. DOI:

See also

metadata_forestdata for a list of possible species


# \donttest{
 # Download data for sweet chestnut
 chestnut_nat_sf <- fd_forest_chorological(species = "Castanea sativa", range = "nat")

 # Plot the data

 # }