EU-Trees4F Database
Download data for tree species distribution in Europe for current (2005) distribution, and future distribution (2035, 2065, 2095).
model = "clim",
period = "all",
scenario = "rcp45",
type = "bin",
distrib = "pot",
quiet = FALSE
- species
a character vector of length 1 with the Latin name of the tree species (genus and species)
- model
a character vector of length 1 with the name of the ensemble projection. One of 'clim' or 'sdms' (see details)
- period
a numeric or character vector of length 1 with the center of the 30-year time period used for the model. One of '2005', '2035', '2065', '2095', or 'all' (see details)
- scenario
a character vector of length 1 with the climate change scenario used. One of 'rcp45' or 'rcp85' (see details)
- type
a character vector of length 1 with the type of output layer. One of 'bin', 'prob' or 'std' (see details)
- distrib
a character vector of length 1 with the type of distribution. One of 'nat', 'pot', 'disp' or 'disp_lu' (see details)
- quiet
, suppress any message or progress bar
Data may be freely used for research, study, or teaching, but be cited appropriately (see references below).
The data of EU-Trees4F database represent the distribution of the main woody species in Europe at 5 arc-minutes (~ 10 km) spatial resolution, in the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) CRS. The possible models to download are the following:
Model: type of model used
clim: climatic ensemble. A ensemble mean model that projects a consensus model from
into future conditions using the average of 11 Regional Climate Models (RCM).sdms: Species Distribution Model (SDM) ensemble. A model that projects the consensus model for every single RCM, and then it averages the output of then 11 SDMs.
Period: 30-year time period
2005: for current projections. This option ignores the scenario argument. They are not available for
model = 'sdms'
withtype = 'std'
.2035: average of 2020-2050
2065: average of 2050-2080
2095: average of 2080-2110
all: get the four periods (or three for std type). Note that for some species or configurations this might fail, because the raster extent might not match in different periods
Scenario: climate change scenario
rcp45: a climate change scenario that assumes moderate emissions reductions
rcp85: a climate change scenario with high greenhouse gas emissions and limited mitigation efforts
Type: type of output layer
bin: binary distribution map, where 1 represents presence of the tree species, while 0 represents absence of the tree species, derived from the prob map
prob: probability distribution map (0-1000). Represents the probability of being the potential distribution of the species
std: standard deviation of prob map. Only available for
model = 'sdms'
Distrib: type of species distribution
nat: realized distribution (masked with native range). Only available with
type = 'bin'
pot: potential distribution
disp: natural dispersal model (migclim). Only available with
type = 'bin'
disp_lu: natural dispersal model clipped by forest areas. Only available with
type = 'bin'
Mauri, Achille; Cescatti, Alessandro; GIRARDELLO, MARCO; Strona, Giovanni; Beck, Pieter; Caudullo, Giovanni; et al. (2022). EU-Trees4F. A dataset on the future distribution of European tree species.. figshare. Collection.
See also
metadata_forestdata for a list of possible species
# \donttest{
# Download data for Betula pendula
betula_pendula_sr <- fd_forest_eutrees4f(species = "Betula pendula")
#> ℹ Downloading data...
#> ✔ Downloaded [1m 41.1s]
#> ℹ Preparing data...
#> ✔ Prepared [9ms]
#> ✔ Cite this dataset using
# }