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Download the Forest Extent raster from the Global Land Analysis & Discovery by using a vectorial object or a pair of coordinates (latitude, longitude).


  x = NULL,
  lon = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  year = 2020,
  crop = FALSE,



a sf or SpatVector object. It will retrieve the necessary tiles to cover the area (if lat and lon are specified, this argument is ignored)


a number specifying the longitude of the area where we want the tile


a number specifying the latitude of the area where we want the tile


year of the forest extent data. One of 2000, 2020 or 'all'


when x is specified, whether to crop the tiles(s) to the object


additional arguments passed to the crop function


SpatRaster object


The Forest Extent Map is a product offered by the Global Land Analysis & Discovery organization. The spatial resolution of the product is 0.00025º (approximately 30 meters at the Equator), and it's distributed in tiles of 10ºx10º. Pixels with forest height > 5 meters are classified as the forest class.

Note that each tile is stored as a raster file of 1.5 GB, so for big extensions the function might take some time to retrieve the data.


Potapov P., Hansen M.C., Pickens A., Hernandez-Serna A., Tyukavina A., Turubanova S., Zalles V., Li X., Khan A., Stolle F., Harris N., Song X.-P., Baggett A., Kommareddy I., Kommareddy A. (2022) The global 2000-2020 land cover and land use change dataset derived from the Landsat archive: first results. Frontiers in Remote Sensing


# \donttest{
 # Get tile for Galicia (Spain)
 galicia_forest_extent <- fd_forest_extent_glad(lon = -7.8, lat = 42.7, year = 2020)
#> 1 tile(s) were found. A total of 1.5 GB of data will be read into R. This may take a while.
# }