Forest Cover of Spain
Download the MFE50 (Spanish Forestry Map 1:50,000) for a province. The MFE50 was built during 1997-2006.
The Spanish Forestry Map at scale 1:50,000 is a project that was undertaken
during the years 1997-2006. The data contains the cartography of forest
stands in Spain. The definition of the variables is contained in an excel
file that can be downloaded by using the argument path_metadata
See also
metadata_forestdata for a list of possible species
# \donttest{
# Download MFE50 for the province of Lugo
lugo_mfe50_sf <- fd_forest_spain_mfe50(province = "Lugo")
#> ℹ Downloading data...
#> ✔ Downloaded [548ms]
#> ℹ Preparing data...
#> ✔ Prepared [9ms]
#> ✔ Visit for more information
# }